
the 2nd day in Sig.

The first night in Sing. was terrible and awuful. The mala area was noisy and also some of the backpackers.

Before I came, I just thought all the backpakers will be polite and respect others, but now it seemed not.

The sleepy sam's was not a good place to stay. It's dark and noisy, but cosy.

well, I feel like to diherra but I can't, poor me.

sigh, it's raining outside. we can't go everywhere except stay in the hostel.

in the morning. 7/07

tired. I had broken lag now, I think.


晚上又是漫無目的亂逛,逛了敗家必去的地方"烏節路",看到邦喬飛的新專輯,埃 只能告訴自己千萬要忍住啊,不要亂花錢。新加坡的美食沒有想像中的好吃,還是說我沒有吃到好吃的呢?
結果最棒的是今晚看到的小攤販,土司夾冰淇淋,只要一元新幣,how wonderful.


in the night 7/07

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